I spose this is the first post on this brand spanking new website, not sure what to say here. I guess I should initially talk about who I am and all that shit, but thats boring and normal and you could probably figure that out in like, 10 seconds through my socials. I could just get into the really spicy things like my political views and all that, but I couldn’t care less, and if I couldn’t care less, I cant image you want to hear about that lol.

Maybe I should start with a introduction to what this should/could be, as the category says, its the random ramblings of me, a random internet furry with the ADHD and a sprinkling of the Autism. Alright probably introduction enough.

Anyway, this is me, signing off this hello world post, like, comment, subscribe if you want to keep up to date on this, I have no idea why anyone would *want* to keep up to date on this, but I digress.

– Unknown


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